Three-quarters of Texans think ‘extreme conservative agenda’ has captured state, poll finds

By Saul Elbein, The Hill Conservative Republicans’ attacks on gun control, abortion and climate-friendly investing practices are deeply unpopular — and costing Texas billions of dollars, according to a new poll. The findings by progressive advocacy group Unlocking America’s Future (UAF) included a survey that found that nearly three-quarters of Texans said they believe their…

Retire at 65? It’s More Like 62.

The Wall Street Journal, Anne Tergesen Americans stop working earlier than planned, but tend to enjoy retirement. There is a big gap between how workers envision the timing of retirement and the reality for retirees, according to the Employee Benefit Research Institute’s latest installment of its 34-year survey of workers and retirees released Thursday.  Some…

Politicians should stop playing culture war politics with public funds

American Banker, Sam Raus This month the State of Texas government terminated an $8.5 billion investment managed by BlackRock, the world’s largest asset management firm, over the company’s continued use of environmental, social and governance (ESG) standards. The investment came from the Texas Permanent School Fund, or PSF, which finances the state’s public school systems.  Accusing BlackRock’s investment strategies of…

UCO Study: Oklahoma cities and towns paid millions extra because of state’s anti-ESG law

The Oklahoman, M. Scott Carter Oklahoma municipalities were forced to pay more than $180 million in expenses because of a state law written to protect the oil and gas industry, a new study shows. Commissioned by the Oklahoma Rural Association, the study from the University of Central Oklahoma “showcases the detrimental impact of the Energy…

Two-thirds of ‘Peak Age’ Boomers Face Retirement Risk

PlanAdviser, Alex Ortolani Two-thirds of Baby Boomers turning 65 between 2024 and 2030 will not be financially prepared to maintain their pre-retirement lifestyles, especially when taking into account gender, race and degree of education, according to research released Thursday by the Alliance for Lifetime Income. Due to the lack of financial preparedness, more than half of 30.4…

Arizona lawmakers shouldn’t be making investment decisions

Arizona Capitol Times, By Tim Hill Everyone saving for retirement needs certainty. They must trust that their savings are safe, that the professionals entrusted with this vital responsibility are focused on maximizing returns and increasing investment opportunities. That’s why when it comes to retirement savings and pensions for firefighters, police officers, nurses, teachers, and other…

Emails show how a right-wing group steers GOP leaders on major policy issues

By Daniel Medina and Bob Ortega, CNN When Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft jumped into the state’s gubernatorial race last year, the Republican vowed to tackle a slew of culture war issues, promising to fight the “woke politics” of “left-wing” banks and touting how he used his position to enact a regulation targeting those financial firms. Ashcroft…

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