Updated Statement on Oklahoma Court Restraining Order Halting Enforcement of State’s “Blacklist” Law

Updated Media Statement 
Tim Hill – President

“By putting a hold on the implementation of the state’s financial boycott law, Oklahoma Judge Sheila Stinson has taken the first step in stopping the harm done to the state’s retirees from a law that increases costs for the state’s public pension funds. The Board of the Oklahoma Public Employee Retirement System (OPERS) recognized the cost when they rightfully voted to exercise an exemption from being forced to limit which financial institutions they could continue to work with to manage the state’s retirement funds.”

Hill continued, “Policymakers at all levels should do more to increase access and opportunity for retirement savings and should avoid inserting politics into all types of investment decisions that ultimately put retirees and taxpayers at risk – from pension plans to projects for schools, to state and local governments contracts. We are hopeful that when this matter is ultimately heard in the courts that the harm from these overreaching efforts will be permanently shelved. The temporary restraining order to put the implementation of the Oklahoma Energy Discrimination Elimination Act on hold is a strong step in the right direction.”  

A copy of the court’s order can be found HERE.